Raising Good Humans

When we feel stuck in parenting, listening to a podcast can help give us some new ideas, or even help us feel less alone in our struggles. Dr. Aliza Pressman is a developmental psychologist with a podcast, Raising Good Humans, where she interviews various experts in the field of child psychology. This can be a helpful tool to use when we need a different parenting perspective.

Insomnia treatment

If sleep is something you struggled with before having a baby, the sleep changes that are inevitable with a new baby can sometimes trigger previous sleep issues like insomnia. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I) has been proven to be the most effective treatment for chronic Insomnia. Feel free to reach out if you have questions or want to learn more about receiving treatment for insomnia through CBT-I.

New Parent Groups

It can be really helpful to have a group of new moms/dads to spend time with during the early days of being home with the baby on parental leave. Park Slope Parents is an easy way to find other parents in Brooklyn with babies the same age. They have groups for parents based on the birth month of your child so you are connected with other parents going through very similar changes.

Returning to the office and in-home sessions

For the last two years, I have been working only through telehealth. Starting this month, I will be offering in-person therapy as well. Clients are welcome to do all virtual, all in-person, or a hybrid of both virtual and in-person depending on schedules.

For in-person sessions, my office is located at 26 Court St. I also offer in-home sessions for parents up to 6 months postpartum and during the last trimester of pregnancy.

For teletherapy, I use a service called Doxy. I have a link that you click on when it is time for a scheduled session.